Monday, May 10, 2010

E Pluribus Unum

"One out of many"

I have never been one to adventure, to test boundaries, or to explore the unknown - unless one counts dreams and books as part of life. That was, of course, until Walsh University announced that I could be one of the many students who studied abroad.
It was supposed to be a regular day, only instead of taking a lunch break, I decided to go to my boyfriend's history class and learn a bit about WWII. Instead, there was a presentation about the "Rome Experience" offered at our school. Spots were filling up fast, and with a glance between us and a brief nod, Nick and I agreed it was one adventure that we wanted to be a part of. And so, after my Latin class, and a brief visit to the bank, we raced to the Global Learning office and handed them the money that saved our spot for the trip.

It still doesn't feel real. I've applied for my passport, and received it back in the mail. I've gone to the doctor and got the shots I need - and this week I apply for my visa. Nick has been planning the trip - down to side streets and walking tours...I guess it's easier for him since he's been there before.

We had an informal meeting, all those of us who are going on the trip. I was worried about them until I met them. They seem nice, and I really can't wait to get to know them. But, with two months abroad - I'm sure there will be plenty to learn about all of them.

Now if only I could get in the mindset, instead of just making the payments.